“Leaving on a jet plane…”

Shared by Kristina Smedley And… It feels like I don’t know when I’ll be back again! I’m going on an adventure… to a retreat/course outside San Francisco. And I can’t wait! I’m going to be on a ranch for about a week. Surrounded by rolling hills and nature. It will be a relatively small group (I think) and the description includes: “breaking up old beliefs that don’t support your vision and then taking massive action in another direction.” Perfect! I love this type of personal development and increased knowledge and understanding. So, it was all good… until late last night when (at the last minute of course) I opened up the packing list/info and actually read the details… – Ear plugs, for light sleepers – A robe and flip flops for the shower area – A flashlight – Sturdy but loose pants… I don’t know what that means these days, but I haven’t owned those since 7th grade!! – Outdoor gloves with leather palms – A cocktail dress – AND, think about what I’m willing to risk this week! Im...