“Leaving on a jet plane…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

And… It feels like I don’t know when I’ll be back again!

I’m going on an adventure… to a retreat/course outside San Francisco. And I can’t wait!

I’m going to be on a ranch for about a week.
Surrounded by rolling hills and nature.

It will be a relatively small group (I think) and the description includes: “breaking up old beliefs that don’t support your vision and then taking massive action in another direction.”

Perfect! I love this type of personal development and increased knowledge and understanding.

So, it was all good… until late last night when (at the last minute of course) I opened up the packing list/info and actually read the details…

– Ear plugs, for light sleepers
– A robe and flip flops for the shower area
– A flashlight
– Sturdy but loose pants… I don’t know what that means these days, but I haven’t owned those since 7th grade!!
– Outdoor gloves with leather palms
– A cocktail dress
– AND, think about what I’m willing to risk this week!

Immediately my mind flooded with questions/worries…

“will I have a roommate, or maybe we sleep on bunk beds on a loft, maybe an open-air cabin-like 4th-grade girl scout camp”

“a flashlight… are we going to be walking around in the dark together… I hope not alone… are there coyotes here too.. I hope the bathroom isn’t out there!”

“please, please, please don’t require public/individual dancing humiliation… I mean dancing”

“I hope I don’t really need sturdy/loose pants… workout leggings are just about the exact opposite!”


Then I remembered the nice texts and emails I had been getting in the last couple weeks from the event coordinators making sure I was ready to go and if I had any questions.

“Yep, I’m ready to go. Can’t wait! No questions.”
Of course I didn’t have any questions… I hadn’t read all this info yet!

Did other people ask all these questions that are now running through my head!

Then I caught myself.
This is basically my M.O…. get just enough info and planning and going for it. I never read the packing list or info early!

I tell myself: “I’m good at adjusting on the fly.
Altering as I encounter whatever comes next.”

So, “no need to worry!”

Just pack way too much (the “exploding suitcase” as Sennad would say) to most likely have whatever I’ll need.

And decide that I’m willing to risk not being 100% prepared, not knowing all the details, to let my guard down, partake in public dancing humiliation if called upon, and being uncomfortable.

With a 51 pound suitcase and what feels like a 51-pound duffle bag, I made it to San Francisco today.

I expect this will be challenging and very rewarding.

We’ll see what the “massive action in another direction” might entail!
Wish me luck!




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