“After 21 years…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

When was the last time you did a pull-up?
One without bands, without kipping, and no jumping?


The first pull up I can remember was in 7th grade.
Remember the Presidential Fitness Tests?!

(Side note… the shuttle run was the worst!)

Then there are no memories… because there were absolutely no pull-ups.
Until we started the RepX classes at Beach Fitness, in Seal Beach, a couple years ago.

I remember one of our favorite trainers telling me one day that I was going to do a pull-up.

My response: “          !“

I literally didn’t know what to say, besides that would be cool AND there’s no way I could do a pull-up.

Maybe he didn’t notice the length of my arms, the lack of arm strength, or the “strong” (as they say) lower body I would have to be pulling up!

I filed the idea away. Something not worth thinking about any further.

Then, a few months later, I was doing kipping pull-ups!
It was fun. I had the rhythm down!

I pulled that strict pull-up idea back out… “you know what, this is something I can do!”

And I remember that every day after class I would try.
I could make it a ¼ of the way… for weeks.

Then I was getting over halfway there.
I was so close that I worked harder.

Sennad and friends cheered me on.

And one day I did it! I decided, against my initial mindset, that I was going to make it happen. And I did!

21 years had gone by since my first pull up and I was able to do it again!
I was pumped!

I couldn’t say “I told you so” to anyone else, because they actually thought I could do it.

All I could say was “I told you so” to myself.
To my earlier self-limiting belief that was holding me back.

And I think much of life is like this.
We see something we like, self-doubt sets in, time goes by, and we are in the same place we were.

It hasn’t happened.

We don’t think we are capable. And we don’t try. And therefore, it’s not going to happen. Ever.

That is, until we change our mindsets.
Until we believe that maybe there is a way.
Until we take that first step.

Building The Mindfluent Leader is like that for me (and maybe Breanne, but I won’t speak for her).

Can we really do this? Build a business that creates the tremendous impact we are envisioning. To allow the freedom and creativity to live the life we envision and empower others to do so as well?

It seems crazy, but I’m choosing to believe it’s possible and am taking the first steps to make it happen.

What is something that you think about or wish for, but are catching your self-doubt holding you back? Share it with us! Maybe as a collective group, we can help you take that first step forward and cheer you on.



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