“Coming to You, Soon…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

Do you all remember back in the day when we made popcorn at home in machines rather than microwaves?
Popcorn didn’t come in a bag, at least that I remember.

Instead, my parents had a big round, greasy machine that we would drag out of some large cupboard.

We would set it on the counter, plug it in, add oil and kernels from a bag, and wait.

(I don’t really remember if us kids were the ones playing with hot oil and popping kernels, or if my parents did it. But, in my mind, we were the brave kids who made real popcorn on special nights.)

Then suddenly, POP!

Tons of overflowing popcorn explodes inside that greasy machine.
+butter +salt = delicious!

This is also how my brain feels sometimes, and this is why I have a hard time following the “less is more” idea with commitments.

I chat with my friends, have experiences at work, take new classes, and it’s all rolling around in my brain.

Then, suddenly… ideas start popping up.


And, they’re all happening right now. They’re all enticing. There’s so many of them.
If only I had a little butter and salt (and a lot more time)!

As I work on “less is more” for commitments, I’ll just share one thing I’m really excited about that you can be part of soon!

As you know, Breanne and I started The Mindfluent Leader and we just received our LLC Certificate of Formation from the WA Secretary of State. (yay!)

Right now, we’re practicing sharing our stories, sharing our vision, and developing our website and The Mindfluent Leader concept.

I’ve had a few people ask me how they can learn more. Right now, my best answer is to follow along and join the conversation. And think that will always be the best answer.

BUT… I also just applied for a Professional Coaching Certificate program through New Venture’s West.

I’m so excited and may be sharing this a little early because I haven’t actually been accepted yet!
But one way or another, I am going to do this!

So then, three months into the program, we start working with “practice clients”… that means YOU!!!

So, if you’re up for being a guinea pig, learning along with me, and hopefully benefitting along the way (or know someone else who would be) then shoot me a message so we can stay in touch.

This is like the one piece of popcorn that overflows out of the greasy machine and gets some special attention.

Through this coaching program and you as my “practice client”, I hope to inspire the POP of ideas and potential in each of us!



Check out what we're up to now!


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