“Hoopfest 2015…”

Shared by Breanne Smedley A few summers ago, Brett and I went on a vacation with our friends Zach and Kathryn. We had this idea to do annual Smedley-Banning summer trips. The year prior was a fun, adventurous, and relaxing trip to Glacier National Park. The following year, we decided it would be fun to enter as a team in the annual Hoopfest 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Spokane. Well, I think Brett and Zach thought it’d be fun. They both had years of basketball experience under their belts. Kathryn and I thought it’d be more along the lines of hilarious. When Zach signed us up, the registration asked for our basketball experience and height. Zach-6’0”, High School Varsity Brett-6’4”, High School Varsity Kathryn-5’10”, Middle School Breanne-6’0”, 1 week unit in Elementary PE We had a plan though. Brett and Zach would play the whole time and run the show. Kathryn and I would just switch out for each other and be the decoys. Run around a little bit. Distract the oppone...