“Our Current Debate…”
Shared by Kristina Smedley
”Our current debate…”
On several occasions, I’ve had leaders and managers at Boeing ask me “how’d you do it? And how can we teach everyone else?”
At the time, I didn’t have an answer for them.
How did I negotiate a multi-million dollar payment plan and kept the customer on schedule?
How did I greatly improve our organization’s relationship with one of our notoriously difficult customers?
How did I lead a site-wide initiative that greatly improved safety and won a company-wide award?
I honestly didn’t know what to say.
I thought my actions were obvious and intuitive.
The same actions that anyone else would have taken.
Now, I know they aren’t.
This awareness came as I was working with a consultant and she said to our leadership team, “relationships are the foundation of accomplishment.”
This comment was so obvious to me that I almost didn’t internalize it further.
The rest of the group’s eyes widened – “ah-ha!”
Suddenly, they saw a whole new way of being, of leading, and in seeing the world.
And in that moment, I realized that what has always been clear to me wasn’t innate in others.
I committed to learn more!
I completed a master's program in organizational leadership.
I’ve read tons of books and filled notebook after notebook of thoughts, learnings, and ideas.
Now I’m in the middle of a professional coaching certificate.
This journey has brought me full circle, back to myself.
Back to my inner critic.
Back to my own insecurities, fears, and suffocating mindsets.
I really didn’t realize how hard this journey would be.
Thankfully, Breanne has been by my side, traveling a similar path.
The further we travel along it, the more passion we have for helping and leading others.
Through just sharing our stories, we’ve both received several emails, messages, and comments from friends and acquaintances on how their lives have been changed.
Their perspectives broadened.
I can’t tell you how much these notes mean to me.
I’m truly humbled.
And further motivated.
For the first time in my life, I have a glimpse into the impact we could make.
->Freedom from our inner critics
->Learning to listen, serve others, and build relationships and communities
->And having a process to make an impact through our lives
Finally, we can answer the question, “so, how’d you do it?”
Now, the debate is on how to help others travel this path and execute.
We don’t want to just put info out into the world, never knowing if it makes a difference.
We aren’t Info-Dispensers.
We don’t want to teach a weekend class, like so many others, where people forget everything when they return to their normal lives.
We aren’t Training-Gurus.
The self-paced, go-it-alone class isn’t our thing.
We aren’t about being the lone wolf.
We believe in community.
And we believe in an inner to outer sequenced delivery, allowing growth in a specific order.
Ensuring our program is executed and our community is able to grow and be impactful in whatever space they choose.
That’s what we’re wrangling with right now.
That’s what we’re working on building for our community.
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