“Showing up…”

Shared by Breanne Smedley I always tell my students that half the battle in anything is just physically showing up. And it’s no different in my class. I tell them that they want to do well, gain confidence, improve their physical and mental health, they have to take the first step. Just show up. Get to class. The work will follow. Because even a crappy workout that you didn’t want to do is better than the one you didn’t show up for. Physically being there is always the first step. We can’t go anywhere without it. It’s the catalyst that allows the work to happen. It’s kind of a trick, though. Because we all know it’s not enough. I can physically be at the gym, but if I don’t put in the work, can I really expect to improve? I can physically be at the dinner table with my family, but if I’m distracted and unengaged, am I cultivating relationships? I can be physically present with Brett, but if I’m not showing him my vulnerabilities and imperfections, can we be connected? I was readi...