“Sprinkler Time…”
Shared by Kristina Smedley
“Sprinkler Time…”
Rules… sounds like limitations, structure, and confinement to many.
One rule I hated as a kid was “it has to be 70 degrees outside to turn on the sprinkler.”
I mean, come one… we lived in the mountains in the PNW.
65 is plenty warm enough for swimming suits and sprinklers!
Now, I don’t know if my parents intended to make this rule.
Or, if our babysitter made it up so she wouldn’t have to deal with three soaking and crazy kids.
Either way, I’d sit and stare at the thermometer.
Waiting… just waiting… until that little red dial hit 70.
Then, it was on! Sprinkler Time!!!!
This memory came to mind today as I was listening to Tim Ferriss interview Ramit Sethi, the author of “I’ll Teach You To Be Rich.”
Both Tim and Ramit have rules setup throughout their life.
A playbook of sorts.
“When traveling for more than 5 hours, always book business class.”
“Eat essentially the same foods day in and day out.”
“A five-step morning process that never alters.”
At first I thought this sounded a bit too regimented.
Much the same as I felt when I first started learning about and practicing morning routines.
But after listening further, I can totally see the benefit of this.
Setup rules, or at least strong guidelines, for the insignificant items in life helps to reduce decision fatigue. It allows us to keep moving without spending much time or effort when not needed.
Instead, we can focus our attention where it matters.
I loved Ramit’s idea of also setting up these rules in relationships.
Agree, not just assume based on what usually happens, who will take out the garbage, who does laundry, preferred seats on an airplane, cell phone use when together, date nights, etc.
Actually have the discussion.
Put it out in the open.
Clear up any misconceptions.
Agree and check in periodically to see if the playbook is still serving you.
I can see how the 70-degree sprinkler rule came to be…
No whining or complaining before then.
And clear expectations of when the craziness would ensue!
I don’t really have any rules like this that I stick to consistently or that I’ve agreed on with others.
But, it’s definitely something I’m going to start thinking about.
Do you guys have any good rules in your Life Playbook?!
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