“Chasing happiness…”


Shared by Breanne Smedley

They say money can’t buy happiness.

But it can buy a $7 kiddie pool.

And that has certainly made my daughter happy this week.

Splashing around, squealing, scooping up, and pouring water on herself.

I feel happy watching her be happy.

Over the years, like most people, Brett, and I’s income has changed.

For the first few months of our marriage, we were living on Brett’s teaching salary.

I hadn’t started my first teaching job yet and Brett was early in his career.

It was tight!

Fast forward to now, with two incomes, coaching, 15 years of teaching between us, a few houses, cars, vacations, and a baby later.

It still feels tight, sometimes!

But, as our income grew, so did our possessions.

At times, I fell into the trap.

“If I just had THIS car, THIS furniture set, THIS pair of Lululemon pants…”

It’s so easy to equate our happiness to what we have.

What I’ve realized over the years though, is that my happiness didn’t grow with more income and possessions.

When I look back, I see how incredibly happy we were living with little.

And I see how incredibly happy we are now.

In fact, I’ve found that the less I have in material possessions, the happier I feel.

Less options (less decision fatigue). 
Less clutter. 
More space to become.

Incomes, possessions, and stages of life have changed over the years.

But what hasn’t changed, is what I believe ultimately has led to sustained happiness.

Chase connection.

Chase purpose.

Chase the 1% journey.

Happiness will follow.





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