“Home grown vs store bought…”

Shared by Breanne Smedley This spring, I decided I wanted to plant a garden. We planted one a few years ago at our house when we lived on Whidbey. It was fun watching all the little seeds and sprouts we planted sprout through the dirt. Then, seeing those zucchini and squash sprouts turn into plants that would take over our yard. But then there were some plants, like the bell peppers, that just died completely. Not enough water? Too much water? Planted next to plants it didn’t like? I would spend hours trying to research why. Then changing the location, soil, water amount to see if I could get it to thrive. It was always a satisfying feeling, the few times that we were able to make a dinner that we had grown or “caught” ourselves. Salmon caught by Brett in the strait of Juan de Fuca, just 5 minutes away. A salad with the kale, tomatoes, and carrots from our garden. So, this year, we are taking a stab at doing it again. We plotted out a space in the backyard that we thought had the...