“Stark Naked…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

“Stark Naked…”

Based on the recommendations of some close friends, Sennad and I bought the book, ‘Stark Naked Metabolic Reset’ a few months before our 2016 wedding.

Our friends grew up with the author, Brad Davidson, and were following his program and felt great!

More energy.
Less bloating.
Better habits.

The program was actually quite simple:

Cut sugar.
Drink more water and no alcohol.
Eliminate common inflammatory foods.
And reduce the stress put on your body through various means.

After 21 days following these guidelines, I felt better than I had I ever felt.

Yes, I had lost a few pounds, so my stark naked self felt pretty good. But the larger effect was on my mental space.

I felt healthier and happier.
I was more comfortable in my clothes and my skin.
I was proud of myself for overcoming the mental hurdles that inevitably popped up.
I had integrity in my commitments to myself.

And I had social connections with a growing group of friends living the same way, cheering one another on!

The whole experience lifted me up.
At the time, I couldn’t quite put my finger on exactly why.
Now, looking back I can see that it’s because it greatly increased my confidence.

Breanne and I have been chatting a lot about confidence lately.

All around us we find the evidence of lack of confidence.

– An obsession with social media and the people who seem to be better off.
– Friends shying away, thinking their dreams and ideas are impossible so they never start.
– Colleagues who don’t speak up because they’re afraid they’ll be wrong.

A lack of confidence.
We’ve all been there at one point, so you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Fortunately, confidence is something that can be nurtured and developed.

Our ConfidenceFactor™ is the combination of a healthy inner voice, an energized body, and social connections.

All elements that can be assessed, improved, tracked, and maintained (if we want to get down to the nitty-gritty of creating and sustaining improvements).

Confidence is definitely a skill that can be developed.

Now it makes sense why I felt so amazing when following the Metabolic Reset with my friends. It touched on all three elements!

I certainly want to feel great when strutting around stark naked, but even more so I want to feel confident in the pursuit of my dreams and goals.



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