"The perfect day..."

Shared by Breanne Smedley This weekend, my husband and I started working through the "36 questions that lead to love." They are sets of questions that can supposedly lead to two complete strangers falling in love after answering them. I don’t know about all that, but I do love the questions and they sparked some great conversations between my husband and I! One of the questions was, "What is your perfect day." To my surprise, my answer started with the same thing that I do everyday. I said: -Wake up (refreshed) at 5am and start my morning routine -Rasa coffee with coconut cream -Write out my dream statements, goals, and affirmations -Meditate -Read -Write -Workout After that, it involved a lot of fun family time, an adventure or two somewhere with water, an afternoon nap, and good food/drinks. The first part, though…"how boring!" I thought to myself. I figured I should say something extravagant. Wake up in Paris and spend the morning sipping espres...