"Potty training in 3 days..."
Shared by Breanne Smedley
We are on day #3 of potty training Charlee.
It’s actually been a fun, eye-opening, and only semi-shitty experience so far!
We are following the "potty training in 3 days" method, which has very strict and specific guidelines that we need to follow in order to actually make this happen in 3 days.
This is bootcamp style potty training...and I’m all about it.
Some of the rules are intense:
Ditch all the diapers (there’s no going back!)
Put her in underwear.
Follow her every move for three days straight.
DO NOT let her out of your sight.
No checking your phone, ever.
No TV.
Ask her every minute: "Tell me when you need to go potty."
Any sign that pee or poo is imminent...put her on the pot!
Pee= One M&M and sticker. Poop=Two M&MS and stickers.
By the end of day one, Charlee was telling us when she needed to go, running to the potty, and doing it all herself.
We did it! (We thought…)
We were following all the rules, Charlee was doing good, so we relaxed a little bit come day 3.
It’s okay to let her go around the corner...I’ll be there in a sec.
Oh, my phone went off... I’ll just check it real quick.
In the time it took to do one of those things, I looked up to see a familiar face from Charlee.
The one I knew usually accompanied a diaper full of poop.
I looked around her back to check it out.
Yep, that face never lies.
"I pooped my underwears!" Charlee confirmed.
Dang it!
It serves as a reminder.
There are rules.
I knew them, and when I break them, I live with the consequences.
It’s the same when I tell myself that I can press the snooze and sleep in...rushing my morning routine and causing me to feel anxious and irritable the rest of the day.
Or, when I decide to "do my workout later" only to feel the weight of it hanging over my head the whole day..missing out on the endorphins and motivation I get from it in the morning.
Or, when I choose to stay looking at my phone when my husband is talking to me, missing out on the opportunity for connection.
I create "rules" for myself in order to keep moving forward. To be the best version of myself across my mind, body, business, and relationships.
When I veer, I know there’s usually a price to pay.
Sometimes it’s the feeling of a missed opportunity.
Other times, it’s a pile of poop to clean up.
Either way, I learn from it, put a fresh pair of undies on, and make the next right choice.
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