"The launch..."

Shared by Breanne Smedley

June 19th has been circled on my calendar for the past few weeks.
Every time I look at it, I get a rush of excitement and anxiety run through me.
(For my teacher friends, yes, it's our last day of school for the crazy 2020 year!)
But, it's also the day that I launch my next round of The Elite Competitor Program.
The Mental Training program that I've developed for female athletes to help build confidence and resiliency on and off the court.
I've had three groups of awesome girl athletes go through the program since January.
All experiencing unique transformations.
All coming out on the other end more confident.
More enabled.
More skilled to take on the challenges in their sport and life.
It's been nothing short of an amazing, life-giving, and inspiring process.
However, I still have doubts every day that I look at that date on my calendar.
I start to wonder...
"What if it was just a fluke that all these girls actually experienced this transformation?"
"What if this launch is a total failure?"
"What if I put myself out there and no one joins?"
Which leads to thoughts of...
"Maybe I just won't launch a summer program."
"I'll just wait a little longer."
I stop myself. I absolutely cannot have thoughts like these.
Ones that will sabotage me before I even start and make me play small, increasing the likelihood that a "failed" launch will actually happen!
More than that, there is a pain that outweighs all the fears that I have about hearing crickets on launch day.
The pain of knowing there are so many female athletes that were just like me...
Not feeling confident in themselves.
Lacking the skills to be able to recover from mistakes and setbacks.
Growing up listening to the negative voice inside their heads instead of the strong, powerful one they need to find again.
And the pain knowing that I could have helped, but didn't weighs heavier on me than my fear of failure.
More than that, I have an even greater job to do as a mom to my own daughter.
I see it as my responsibility to not only push her to achieve her dreams, but to also show her what it looks like to chase my own.
The pain of me telling her to "be anything and do anything she sets out to do," then her wondering, "then why didn't you?" is one that outweighs the voice of insecurity holding me back.
So, yes, there is every chance that the next launch of The Elite Competitor Program may fail.
In that case, I'll learn and keep going.
But, what if it doesn't fail?
Then more lives of female athletes to be changed.
More girls growing up with the confidence and resiliency that they need to navigate life.
And the demonstration to my daughter of what it looks like to pursue my passions.
Those are what make it worth it.
So, mark your calendars, and watch out.
On June 19th another round of The Elite Competitor Program takes off.


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