Mom Guilt => [are you believing these lies too?]

Shared by Kristina Smedley On Monday, I promised to share more about my GRIT experience and transformation over the last four weeks. As many of you moms (and dads too!) can likely relate to, working out when you have an infant can be a struggle! Finding Time. Finding Childcare. Finding Energy. It’s much easier to just Find Excuses. I expected this when I signed up for the January GRIT challenge; figuring I would have to workout when Kaden (our son) was sleeping or make sure to find time when my husband was home. And, I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t always be able to complete the daily workout ( uumm… queue the excuses )! What I didn’t expect turned out to be a much bigger issue – mom guilt! For the first eight weeks of Kaden’s life, I didn’t feel too much guilt. And I was actually feeling pretty awesome about this fact, seeing how much people talk about it. But, come January and the guilt washed over me! Some days it almost stopped me in my tracks. Other days, I see now...