“Note Taking for the Win…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

“Note Taking for the Win…”

This is my first month of GRIT and so far I’m loving it. More on that in the next couple days.

What I’m loving almost as much are our Wednesday Rev-Share training calls.

90 minutes of Ryan dropping a ton of knowledge on all of us.
Showing examples.
Providing the back story and the results that can be created.
If we put the knowledge into action.

Showing us case studies.
Using our examples as case studies, to break down and help us improve.

I’m a big note taker.
In fact, I LOVE taking notes.

In college, I was actually PAID to take notes and turn them in.

YES, one of my work-study jobs was to take notes in my classes.


I was already creating the most organized, OCD notes of anyone in the class… with color-coding, indentations, underlining, and highlighting.

It’s almost embarrassing to admit, but sometimes if my notes looked sloppy, I would rewrite them later that evening so my entire notebook would look nice and organized.

I guess I had more time to be a perfectionist back then. 😉

Anyway, back to our Rev-Share calls.

At the end, Ryan always asks, “Any questions?”

Sometimes I pop off mute and jump in with a question that’s on the top of my mind.

Even when it seems pretty basic and probably obvious.
Better to be clear than leave with the wrong understanding.

But most of the time, the answer in my head is… “yes, a million questions!! I just don’t know what they are yet!”

It’s exciting to be learning so much that sometimes I can’t even articulate a good question because I need to process what I just learned, to connect a few dots first.

I need to read through my now sloppy, screenshotted notes that I’m able to grab between baby coos and smiles, so I can ask the right questions, no matter how basic or obvious, that will reveal the answers to help us keep moving forward.

Thanks, Ryan for always giving so much to our StoryAthlete community… your time, information, assistance, and ideas!


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