“The next Tony Robbins…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

“The Next Tony Robbins…”

“Kristina & Breanne Smedley” 👏👏👏

Yeah, that sounds ridiculous.
I even feel stupid writing it down and hitting the post.

My Inner Critic is screaming at me that you all will think I’m cocky.

“Who does she think she is?”

“Ha. They only have a hundred or so followers on their Facebook page.”

“Someone thinks pretty highly of themselves.”

And truth be told, I do think highly of us.

Not in a way that we know it all.

But in the fact that we have a huge dream, tons of passion, and together with an unstoppable determination.

And this doesn’t always sit well with people.

Maybe they haven’t found this passion in their own lives, so they can’t really imagine the drive that we possess.

It seems that these folks are content just staying where they are.

To settle.

They aren’t moving until their pain of standing still so greatly outweighs their fear that they really have no choice but to move.

Breanne and I live by the opposite approach.
We’re jumping right in and giving it a try.

We may not know the answers. The acronyms. The tech lingo.

We may waste some time and money here and there (like on the designer I’m working with right now!).

We’ll surely go down one path just to decide we should have went another way.

And we’ll pivot and keep going.

But I can guarantee that we’re digging deep into our own insecurities and fears, overcoming our inner critics, and building this business one step at a time.

Even when it’s dark, scary, and unknown.

And that’s one thing I love about the StoryAthlete community – we’re surrounded by so many amazing people who live their lives the same way.

To experience it fully.
To dream.
To discover.
To create.

To evolve…even when the fear and the unknown is high.

Because the pain of not going for it and folding on our dreams is unbearable.

Who knows… maybe one day you’ll be saying, “They’re the next Tony Robbins!” 😉👏👏👏



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