Shared by Kristina Smedley “Mind and Body Delivery…” I’m a little nervous to publicly share this, but here it goes… Throughout my life, whenever birth or babies’ weights or things like that came up, I would always share some version of the story, “Yeah, and my mom is amazing! She had 3 babies, all vaginally and without epidurals, and one of them weighed over 10 pounds!!” I have been in amazement of this my whole life and have told the story countless times, starting when I was pretty young! However, I never really thought about it for myself. I have always just figured, “I’ll go as long as I can without meds, and then do what I have to do in the moment.” I didn’t really even plan to look into any other options. That is, until a coaching colleague and friend recommended that I read Ina May’s (an American Midwife legend) Guide to Childbirth. This book opened my eyes and my heart in a way I didn’t expect. First, around the power of the woman’s body. That most women’s bodies are made...