“Mind and Body Delivery…”
Shared by Kristina Smedley
“Mind and Body Delivery…”
I’m a little nervous to publicly share this, but here it goes…
Throughout my life, whenever birth or babies’ weights or things like that came up, I would always share some version of the story, “Yeah, and my mom is amazing! She had 3 babies, all vaginally and without epidurals, and one of them weighed over 10 pounds!!”
I have been in amazement of this my whole life and have told the story countless times, starting when I was pretty young!
However, I never really thought about it for myself.
I have always just figured, “I’ll go as long as I can without meds, and then do what I have to do in the moment.”
I didn’t really even plan to look into any other options.
That is, until a coaching colleague and friend recommended that I read Ina May’s (an American Midwife legend) Guide to Childbirth.
This book opened my eyes and my heart in a way I didn’t expect.
First, around the power of the woman’s body.
That most women’s bodies are made to birth babies and that for many women it is one of the most empowering and powerful experiences of their life.
Then, around the emotional connection to your baby and yourself by fully experiencing the sensations, pain, relief, and magic of a baby being born and knowing that your body produced the magic, is resilient, and mentally able to endure.
Could I do it?!
Could I actually state that my intention is to have an unmedicated and natural childbirth, assuming medical intervention isn’t required for the health and safety of our baby and myself?
It’s taken me about 6 weeks to truly understand my hopes and believe in myself, and then share this with others.
At first just Sennad.
Then a few friends.
Now, I guess with all of Facebook!
With only just a few short weeks until our expected delivery date, we’re preparing for how to create the most supportive and encouraging environment, both in the delivery room but also in my mind and body for a natural birth.
Mind-Body-Breath birth classes at a local yoga studio.
A couple of private Hypnobirthing sessions.
Watching encouraging YouTube videos about what’s possible.
Hearing other ladies’ stories.
And tonight we meet with a Doula who is experienced in all of this, for some extra support, skills, and encouragement.
At the end of the day, this isn’t our birth; it’s our baby’s birth and he’ll come into the world in whatever way works for him.
Our hope and plan is for it to be as natural, peaceful, and welcoming as we can possibly make it.
And as he lays on my chest and Sennad and I are both gushing over him, I also want to feel the proudest I have ever felt on the physical strength of my body and my mental capacity to ensure.
Wish us luck!
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