“26 Weeks Pregnant!”

Shared by Kristina Smedley I’m 26 weeks pregnant! WOW! It seems crazy to say that, especially after the difficulties of the first many weeks. No, I didn’t have any morning sickness. I didn’t receive any scary test results. And getting pregnant wasn’t too far outside our plans… although I really thought it would take months, not just a couple weeks. I’m so grateful and fortunate for this to be our experience so far! Instead, the difficulties were all in my head. Specifically, that voice in my head, that we all have, referred to as our Inner Critic. I’ve been working with my Inner Critic for a long time, years in some ways, and very explicitly for the last year or so. Among other areas, body image and body shame are a couple key areas my Inner Critic historically pops up! I had made some great progress in transforming this voice. Until BOOM, I got pregnant and the Inner Critic came back screaming! “You’re getting fat!” “Everyone is noticing but you can’t tell them you’re pregnant y...