Shared by Breanne Smedley
Spend time around high schoolers and you’re sure to hear the word, “streaks.”
More specifically, phrases along the lines of:
“I gotta keep my streaks.”
Or, “We broke our 100-day streak yesterday!”
If you don’t hang out with high school-aged people every day, let me fill you in.
“Streaks” refer to the ongoing exchange of photos/messages between two people on SnapChat.
If a friend and I snap chat with each other for two days in a row, we have a two-day streak.
Three days in a row, a three-day streak.
Five days, a five-day streak.
And so on until one person breaks it ad the streak has to start back over.
Kids get a little neurotic about their streaks.
I overheard a student talking about how she gave her SnapChat login information to a friend so that she could “keep her streaks” while on vacation without cell service.
That’s commitment and problem-solving at it’s finest right there.
While sometimes I don’t get it (because apparently I’m old and I haven’t even reinstalled SnapChat on the new phone I got eight months ago), I can totally get on board with this concept.
In fact, I have found that I’m most successful in maintaining consistent progress when I operate in terms of “streaks.”
On my meditation app, Headspace, a little counter comes up after every session that tells me how many days I’ve completed in a row.
I’ve become excited about seeing that number increase every day.
“22 days in a row!” It said the other day.
It feels good to see that kind of progress.
It gives me momentum.
When it feels like my goals are too far away, the constant reminder that I’m making daily progress keeps me moving forward.
So, I apply it to other areas of my life.
In my journal, there is a section for the other daily habits I’m trying to keep.
Exercise-move that body daily! Even if it’s just five minutes of yoga.
No phone in bed.
Each completed day gets a mark.
The goal?
Don’t break the streak.
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