“Fresh flowers…”


Shared by Breanne Smedley

On Sunday, Charlee and I spent the day together while Brett was at football camp.

We went downtown and strolled through the Farmer’s market, watching all the people, trying samples of fresh fruit, and enjoying the vibe of the community.

We picked up a pint of raspberries and ate them as we continued to check out all the fun and interesting booths.

We passed by several stands with enormous, beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers.

There was a time in my life, not too long ago, where I would admire the bouquets, but keep walking.

Spending $10-15 on flowers that will probably just die within a week? That’s the definition of a waste of money…right?

But, every once and a while I would “splurge” and buy a bouquet from the farmers market.

I loved the way they looked, wrapped neatly in the brown paper.

Big, colorful flowers blooming and smelling amazing.

Then, I’d put them in a vase at home and watch as they continued to get bigger and brighter over the next few days.

The flowers would be the first thing my eyes would go to when I came into the kitchen in the morning, and when I got home from work.

They gave me a small, fleeting, but noticeable inner calm and happiness.

So, it’s something I do these days.

When I get the chance, I never pass up the opportunity to buy fresh flowers.

For no other reason than that, it brings me happiness.

The Farmer’s Market on Sunday was no exception.

I stood Charlee next to the fresh bouquets and asked her which one we should take home.

She said, “fowwahh!” and bent over to smell a peony from one of the large arrangements.

“We’ll take that one!” I told the man selling the bouquets.

The flowers have been sitting in a vase on our dining room table for almost a week now.

A few times a day, Charlee stops what she’s doing, points, and shouts, “fowwahhs!”, puts her nose in the air, and makes a sniffing sound.

I don’t think I’m alone in my love for fresh flowers.

Like mother, like daughter.



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