
Shared by Breanne Smedley “Resolutions…” Every year, I’m tempted to make a long laundry list of resolutions for the new year. It comes at a perfect time. Last week, I spent every day enjoying the company of family and friends. I ate great food, but not food I eat on a regular basis. I stepped out of my normal eating, exercising, writing, and mindfulness routine for the week. Usually, this leaves me feeling ready to make a change. To get back on track. Enter New Year Resolutions. In my mind, I think, “This will be the year! The year I read tons of books, be in the best shape of my life, and become the very best version of myself.” And if I just make a list, they will happen. I even try to be as specific as possible. “Read one book a month…” “Go to the gym 5 times a week…” “Give 3 compliments a day…” The problem is, I can’t remember one resolution I’ve set on January 1st that I’ve actually accomplished. That’s not to say that I haven’t accomplished things in my life. I have. But no...