

Shared by Breanne Smedley


Every year, I’m tempted to make a long laundry list of resolutions for the new year.

It comes at a perfect time.

Last week, I spent every day enjoying the company of family and friends. I ate great food, but not food I eat on a regular basis. I stepped out of my normal eating, exercising, writing, and mindfulness routine for the week.

Usually, this leaves me feeling ready to make a change. To get back on track.

Enter New Year Resolutions.

In my mind, I think, “This will be the year! The year I read tons of books, be in the best shape of my life, and become the very best version of myself.”

And if I just make a list, they will happen.

I even try to be as specific as possible.

“Read one book a month…”

“Go to the gym 5 times a week…”

“Give 3 compliments a day…”

The problem is, I can’t remember one resolution I’ve set on January 1st that I’ve actually accomplished.

That’s not to say that I haven’t accomplished things in my life.

I have. But not because I set out to resolve myself on January 1st.

It’s tempting to think that we need to create resolutions in order to improve ourselves.

This thinking is flawed.

We think that if we want to do great things, we need to take great action.

When really, we know that great results happen with small, consistent improvements over time.

Remember the 1% rule?

This year I’m taking a different approach.

Today, I was listening to the “Happier with Gretchen Rubin” podcast about creating one-word mantras, or themes for the year rather than resolutions.

An overarching theme that encompasses who you want to become in 2019.

I see so much opportunity for me to improve as a wife, mother, teacher, coach, and business partner to grow the Mindfluent® Leader movement.

Rather than making resolutions in these areas, I’m focusing on simple mantra:


Growth in the areas of mind, body, business, and relationships; something we practice daily in the StoryAthlete™ community.

If I am doing one small thing in one of those areas each day, success is guaranteed.

It sounds backwards to think broad, rather than narrow when setting intentions for the upcoming year.

But, I know the power and the science of 1% daily improvement.

Cheers to 2019, the year of growth!


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