“Spring break…”

Shared by Breanne Smedley

Today is the first official day of Spring Break.

Brett and I are relaxing on a patio overlooking the San Juan Islands.

The sun is just peeking over the water. We are snuggled under blankets with coffee as we watch it rise and hit our faces.

Later, we’re going for a hike and kayaking.

Then, making dinner together and watching the sunset together from the same patio we watched it rise.

All while Charlee is 300 miles away with Mor Mor and Grandpa Goat.

Then, I wake up…

And realize, it was just what I had been imagining since January when we booked that trip.

A kid-free Spring Break in the San Juan Islands.

Currently, it’s actually pouring down rain.

I’m in my office reading, writing, and planning for a day of meetings and trainings I’m leading for athletes in my coaching program.

Charlee is stirring in her room above me.

We aren’t on vacation.

We’re in Vancouver.

When I open the news feed, I’m reminded of why.

I’m also reminded that this is simply an inconvenience that pales in comparison to what some people are going through right now.

Fighting on the front lines, and some, fighting for their lives.

It’s not the Spring Break I imagined.

I don’t think any of us imagined this.

But, it’s what we’ve got.

So, I’ll continue to use this time to stay away from people.

Rest, recharge, and spend valuable time with family.

Move my body, eat well, and sleep.

Get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Clean. Organize. Plan. Bake. Nap.

Build the business through opportunities that I didn’t have just weeks ago.

When I put it that way, Spring Break doesn’t sound too bad after all.






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