

Shared by Breanne Smedley

120 days, in a row.

I can’t stop.

I crave it.

I think about it all the time.

I restructure my day around it, to get my “fix.”

I start to feel a little funny if it gets later in the day, and I haven’t done it yet.

And once I do, I feel immediately better.

The high allowing me to momentarily get a reprieve from the stress of the day.

Drowning whatever was bothering me, for the 15-45 minutes it takes to do it.

I feel like I can’t live without it.

I looked up the definition of these two words today:

Addiction: one exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity.

Addict: a strong inclination to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly.

120 days, in a row. No end in sight.

I guess, I’m addicted.

I was trying to think of anything else I’ve consciously done for that long, without breaking the chain once.

I can’t even say that I’ve eaten for that many days in a row (I participated in a 24-hour fast last month).

Or even brushed my teeth, I’m sure. #maternityleavelife

I’ve come face to face with it.

I’ve come to accept it.

I realize, now, that my addiction is impacting every area of my life.

My mind.

My body.

My career and business aspirations.

My relationships.

I can tell my mind is stronger, more capable.

I’m running full-force into hard, challenging things.

My body is stronger than ever. I feel energized and wake up ready to take on the day with my students.

Mindfluent® Leadership is on the cusp of exploding.

Empowered Mind Mental training is serving parents, athletes, and teams every week. Transforming mindsets. Empowering girl athletes.

Brett and I have become closer, more connected.

So, yes, my addiction is taking over.

It’s transforming me, from the inside out.

And I love it.



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