“The beacon…”
Shared by Breanne Smedley
Last week, I posted a photo with my shirt off for the whole internet to see.
Ok, that sounds bad.
I had a sports bra on, it wasn’t that scandalous. Still, I’m not sure that grandma would approve.
That’s not the point, though. I wasn’t trying to gain attention by any means.
The photos were of the transformation that I experienced through GRIT over the 60 days.
Transformation that could only be seen slightly in my body.
However, there was a whole story of what couldn’t be seen in the photos.
The point was, I was really outside of my comfort zone.
Sharing about my body, and insecurities I’ve held for most of my adolescent and adult life.
It was vulnerable.
How would people respond?
What would my friends say?
Would they be supportive?
Would they secretly talk about me behind my back?
Think I am just trying to get attention?
As you can see, my Inner Critic was running rampant.
Like an unsupervised 2 year old crashing around and making a mess in my head.
Because how people respond is not in my control, actually.
What is in my control as a leader is living each day striving to be Inspirationally Impactful.
Being the beacon of light that inspires others to see and realize their own potential.
Being the leader that people that others choose to follow because they believe in me, they trust me, and are inspired by me.
I know that if I can’t inspire, I can’t lead.
And I can’t inspire if I don’t share.
I must always be putting myself into the world. My beliefs, values, convictions, and principles as a leader and person.
It’s through sharing that I serve as the light that says,
“There are others like us.”
“You are not alone.”
It’s this deep connection that forms a tribe. Connection. Community.
Leaders don’t hide. They know that not everyone will follow. Not everyone will agree.
But those that are called, will.
So, although it’s uncomfortable sometimes, I will continue to share in order to inspire.
That vulnerability is the clue that I’m on the right track.
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