“It never ends…”
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2,800 burpees later, my 100 burpee a day challenge is officially over.
I, along with a handful of students of mine celebrated the last burpee together last week, exclaiming that we are NEVER DOING BURPEES AGAIN!
It’s finally over!
No more trying to figure out when to fit burpees into my day.
No more burpees at 10pm after getting home late from a volleyball match.
No more feeling like I was going to die every Sunday trying to beat my 100 consecutive burpee time.
I can finally rest.
With that, though, comes a cost.
Because while the above statements are true, I also have to look at a list of things that I’ll also no longer be experiencing.
No more proving to myself that no matter how busy I am, I can still find the time to work out.
No more of the feeling of satisfaction knowing that I can follow through on a commitment I made to myself.
No more burpees with Charlee and seeing her face light up with laughter as she falls to the ground and jumps back up.
No more bonding with Brett as he comes up with a plan to help me get a 100 burpee PR every Sunday, sets my playlist, times me, and tells me how many more I need to do to get sub 7 mins.
No more improvements to my cardiovascular health, and potentially saying goodbye to the new muscle tone I gained in my abs.
Looking at this, I know that the pain and suck of burpees has been coupled with growth in my mind, body, and relationships.
On the other side of pain is growth.
And when we stop, so do the improvements.
Comfort is the enemy of the ambitious.
So, it can’t ever end.
Those that live the challenge-based life don’t believe in ever getting to a place where we just stop and say “good enough.”
I can’t be a good mom or partner for just 28 days, then stop.
I can’t be a leader to my team for 28 days, then stop.
I can’t eat clean and workout for 28 days, then stop.
I can’t meditate, read, and write for 28 days, then stop.
Starting. Stopping. Jumping around from thing to thing.
It’s the easiest way to derail my 1% journey.
Alongside the 100 burpee challenge, I completed 28 days of GRIT workouts with my StoryAthlete team.
When the time for the next challenge rolled around yesterday, I was hesitant to jump back in.
But, I did.
Because I’m committed to making sure that this growth in my mind, body, business, and relationships never ends.
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