“A Simple Smile…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

Do you know what happens after you live in sunny SoCal for four years and then you move home and experience the rainy and dreary Seattle winter?

First, you lose all indications of sun-kissed skin!
Then, your dog starts to refuse to go on walks.

She gets all bundled up in her winter coat, walks outside, sees the rain, and turns back around to glare at us. Well, to be honest, she usually glares at Sennad. Because, I’m bundled up in front of the fire, warming up!

She really hates walking around in the rain. 
Hang in there, you only have 6 more months of dreariness (I tell all three of us)!

Until then, Lexi, you’re going to have to make it work.

Through walking around different Seattle neighborhoods over the last several months, I’ve noticed there are two definite types of people passing by me – those who smile back and those who stare straight ahead and pretend that I don’t exist.

I remember years ago, some friends from out of state talking about the ‘Seattle Freeze.’

I couldn’t fathom what they were talking about.

When I looked around, I saw friendly people, smiling and holding doors open, saying good morning, looking at you as you walked by.

They, on the other hand, saw people looking the other way.
Friend groups that were hard to integrate with.
People who didn’t say good morning or want to hold any type of conversation.

I just figured they were hanging out with the wrong crowd!

But now, I’m seeing it too.

I hate to say this, but I think more people pretend that I don’t exist and just walk right by.
And it really bothers me.

I’ve always been so proud to be from the PNW, where people are kind and caring, love nature, and one another. I was really questioning these memories over my first few months home.

Now, I’m starting to believe that the PNW just has a more introverted personality.

Maybe it’s because of the rain.
Because we spend many days and weeks tucked under a hood, head down and hurrying to get undercover.

Maybe, like Lexi, we just want to stay inside with a warm fire and those who are close to us.

Whatever the reason, I don’t think it’s an excuse to walk by another and act as if we don’t notice them.
To pretend that they don’t exist.

Because this way of being isn’t just for morning walks; it’s how many live life.
Not looking up, not noticing, not being aware.

Missing out on the beauty in the people and world that surrounds them.
Missing the cries for connection and help that are prevalent everywhere we look.

It’s such a simple act to look up, make eye contact, and smile.
No words are necessary.

Smiling and happiness are contagious.
It not only brightens your day; it might make theirs as well.

It might be exactly what they needed and your one little smile will be passed on to many more throughout the day.

It’s up to you on who you’ll be – will you treat others as if they don’t exist, that you can’t see them. Or, will you acknowledge them and give a simple smile?


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