"Getting back up..."

Shared by Breanne Smedley

In 7th grade, I decided to go out for middle school track. In 7th grade, I also looked like a baby giraffe.
One of the events the coach said I should do was the 200m sprint. "Just a half a lap!" She said. Knowing no different, I decided to go for it.
Nervously, I set up for the race. "Runners to your marks." The judge yelled. I walked over to my lane and got set up in the blocks the way I had been taught.
"Set!" I lifted my hips in the air.
The gun sounded, and I bounded out of the blocks as fast as I could.
I rounded the first corner, still pretty even with the other girls. After the round, I noticed that I had pulled ahead a bit. The finish line was in sight and I didn’t feel any of the other racers next to me. I heard cheering from parents in the stands and the coaches on the sidelines.
"I’m ahead!" I remember thinking.
Then, with only about 50 meters left in the race, I made a fatal error. Curious as to just how far ahead I was, I turned my head to look over my shoulder…
Suddenly, it felt like my legs were going one direction and my upper body was going another. At this point in my life my legs took up most of my total height and I didn’t have the strength to wrangle them back in.
Before I knew it, my butt met the track (how I ended up on my butt, I’m still not sure…)
The rest of the girls flew past me to the finish as I sat there right in front of the grandstand full of parents.
I was so embarrassed! I got back up and ran to the finish line to claim dead last.
That day in 7th grade, it was the race that I had to pick myself back up from, check my ego, and finish what I had started.
Nowadays, it’s everything from falling off my morning routine, putting my foot in my mouth and having the courage to apologize, to the learning, unlearning, and imperfect action I’m taking to become an Anti-Racist..
I’m bound to continue to find myself flat on my ass as I strive to become and continue to challenge myself in this life and with my relationships.
It’s a sign I’m making progress. As long as I commit to getting back up.


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