
Shared by Breanne Smedley

As more and more news of school closures, canceled athletic events, and terminations of seasons roll in, I can’t help but think what a crazy time this is.

The realization hit home when the volleyball clubs in our area canceled practices, tournaments, and any organized meetings for the next three weeks.

I can’t help but think that the school districts aren’t far behind.

While COVID-19 is likely not a direct threat to most athletes, students, or even the adults in my life, I do agree that we all have a duty to aid in the prevention of spreading a potentially life threatening virus.

The thought that “It doesn’t affect me, so I shouldn’t have to adjust” I’m learning, can’t be our response.

We are all connected, whether we chose to believe it or not.

So, it’s likely that the majority of us, through our own decision or not, are going to be faced with adjusting our daily lives for the sake of the greater health of our country.

And, I’m not going to lie, as I started thinking of my foreseeable future, I started to get bummed out.

“I was supposed to do a mental training workshop for volleyball teams next week.”

“What about school? Would we get paid? How am I going to get kids to do online PE?”

“Charlee’s birthday party is coming up…what do I do there?”

“We are going to the San Juans for Spring Break. Do we still go?! Will we even be allowed to go?”

But, it’s in these situations that we have a choice.

A choice to be the victim of our circumstances.

Or use them as opportunities.

So, at the dinner table last night, Brett and I started brainstorming.

“We could post daily workout videos that the kids could follow along with!”

“The Smedley Strength Show” we could call it.
Get dressed up in hilarious workout gear.
High energy.
Follow along.
Accountability through our online platform.

“This could actually be fun!”

And what If I turn my workshop into a live webinar for the athletes?!

They will be without practice anyways, what a perfect time to work on their mental game.

“What if I open it to the entire club? Or, the clubs in our region?”

Now, we’re talking about business growth.

And Charlee is two. She won’t know when her birthday is.
If we reschedule, we reschedule.

And Spring Break…that’s a doozy.

We’ve been looking forward to this kid-free vacation for months.

But, we will find a way to have fun regardless.

So, as we do our part to help prevent the spread of this virus, we also know that we have a choice in how we respond.

We always have the power to rewrite the script to find meaning and see opportunities in adversity.

Coronavirus or not.





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