“One of those weeks…”

 Shared by Breanne Smedley

There are some weeks that seem to happen without effort.

Things are clicking.
The alarm goes off, and I am ready to get out of bed.
I look forward to working out.
I don’t feel tempted by sugar.
I am checking things off my list left and right.

Then there’s this week.

I saw the finish line to winter break, as many teachers do.

Then, I think I tripped over something (maybe the gingerbread house from last week), landed face down in a bowl of eggnog, and have been crawling to the finish line ever since.

It started with a chest cold that threw a wrench in my morning routine on Monday.

I couldn’t sleep, my throat was burning, and I had a nasty cough keeping me up.

Slept in.

No meditating. Broke my 30-day streak.
No reading.
No writing.

Thrust into the day and headed to school attempting to teach with a sinus headache and no voice.

From then on, it just got worse.

I took Tuesday off, but still couldn’t sleep or focus.

The work, and then the guilt started to pile on.

“I’m getting SO behind on everything I need to do this week.”

But I don’t have the energy to do it.

Sometimes, we need to listen to that and stop spinning our wheels.
Just take the break.
Get back into it at a set time you’ll know you’ll feel better.

But then, there was the temptation to drop other things.

Like working out.

The problem?

I’m a part of GRIT.

And if I drop, I’m out.

And I let my team down in the process.

I love the community aspect of GRIT.

And it’s the only “program” that has successfully had me on a 70+ day workout streak.

So, no excuse could hold me back from completing what I needed to do.

I modified the workouts. Scaled to what I could do. And did it.

It felt good.

That even when we have “those weeks…”

I can feel confident that at least one thing went right.

At least one thing was able to stay afloat during the craziness.

And that one thing is the most important foundation to all the other things.

My physical health.

Which lays the foundation for my mental health. My relationships. And my business.

Thanks, GRIT.

For forcing me to stay gritty, even in the toughest of weeks.



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