“Open the Curtains…”


Shared by Kristina Smedley

“Open the Curtains…”

Early this morning, I was sitting on the couch reading, when I started noticing all the people walking by outside.

First, it was a sweet older couple, holding hands and going on their morning walk together.
I wondered how many years they’d been enjoying this quiet, early morning time together.

Then, parents pushing a double stroller, chatting while their kids slept.
A couple of women jogging together.
A young man walking his huge dog.
They kept coming…

I was so surprised by the number of people right outside my front window.

Somehow, I never noticed how many people walk by our house every day.

I never noticed because we always have the lower portion of our curtains down, ensuring people aren’t looking into our living room. In essence, separating us from them all day long.

I never realized how much I missed looking up and out! 
Seeing my neighbors.
Feeling like I’m surrounded and connected to a community.

This similar situation happens in so many areas of our lives.

We walk around with our heads buried in our phones, not giving any attention to those we pass or the world around us. Keeping our curtains pulled down, self-absorbed in our own thoughts.

We hurry from meeting to meeting, always just a couple minutes late, with no time to stop and say hi to our colleagues. Keeping our curtains pulled down as we rush around in a scramble.

We have never-ending tasks and to-do lists that consume our mornings, our days, and our evenings, lessening the time we slow down and pay attention to our loved ones. Keeping our curtains pulled down as we can dedicate our attention elsewhere.

I’ve been working from the couch all morning, and keep finding myself staring in awe at all the people walking by. It feels great to have the curtains pulled up, to feel more connected to the world around me.

As a wife, a leader, a friend, and a community builder, I must continue to pull the curtains up in order to make time for others, build quality relationships, connect, and create belonging.

This isn’t hard. It just requires a little intention.



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