“The Experimenters… “
Shared by Kristina Smedley
I had an info interview today with a gal who is interested in joining my team.
First, she asked a seemingly simple question:
“What is it like to be on this team?”
I answered with the longest, most confusing response.
I’m sure she was trying to figure out the point! Maybe she still is!
“Everyone interacts with different groups of people and does totally different projects based on the product they support… some facilitate workshops, some run culture initiatives… we are located in three different locations, are in two states…” and on an on.
I should have just said, “We’re experimenters” and then provided a couple of examples.
I’m sure you’re thinking – “Experimenters? I know you don’t work in a lab.”
No. But see, my teammates are pros at trying out new ideas, testing new concepts, and switching things up when the first try doesn’t succeed until they find a result that satisfies the problem.
My teammates are humble and curious.
They piece together disparate pieces of information.
And they build relationships and networks.
They jump into topics they know little about, with confidence and self-worth.
They aren’t afraid to fail.
When something doesn’t work as expected then they simply adjust and keep going.
They have a larger vision in front of them and are serving a larger cause.
They see opportunities and possibilities everywhere!
“An Experimenter” – this is also who I am.
And I’m guessing that many of you are too!
Curious, humble, confident, a systems-thinker, resilient, relational, adaptable, a visionary.
If you’re reading this description and wishing that you could use those words to describe yourself – YOU CAN!
In fact, much of what I described above comes down to my, and my teammates, chosen mindsets about how we will show up in our lives. How we will ‘be’.
You too have the choice to consider how you want to be, in order to thrive in life.
Considering, questioning, and stating the empowering mindsets you need is one of the first steps in building them.
There’s an incredible amount of power in your hands… well, in your mind.
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