“I’m doing it wrong… “
I’ve heard this from numerous people who are just starting to create a mindfulness practice…
“I don’t know how to meditate or practice mindfulness… I always do it wrong”
“I just can’t stop thinking.”
“I tried for a while, but couldn’t control my brain.”
“So I quit.”
Just quit. So easily.
Imagine another situation, where the bene
fits are well researched and the practice is relatively easy to get started… getting 30mins of movement in each day.
We’re not talking about doing Crossfit 30mins per day or running sprints 30mins per day. We’re just talking about starting with 30 mins of movement (no matter how tough) every day – walking from the farthest parking spots, climbing the stairs at work, walking the dog, wrestling with your kids (or spouse!).
We might think, “my shoes are uncomfortable.”
So, we buy new shoes and keep walking.
Or, “that walk is going to take 15 extra mins.”
So, we leave for work 15mins earlier and by the time we get back to our car at the end of the day, we have our 30mins of movement.
Worse case, we might worry that our kids or spouse don’t want to wrestle with us. They do! We learn that as soon as we try. (and if you do this for 30mins, you’re going to get a good sweat on!)
So, why do some quit so easily when it comes to mindfulness practices?
Why not just notice our concerns, address them, and keep going?
I believe the easiest way to address many of our concerns is to truly realize that… you can’t do it wrong!
If you’re trying, you’re doing it right.
If you start noticing your thoughts instead of letting your monkey brain run around like crazy, then you’re doing it right.
If you’re more aware of the warmth of the sun on your mindfulness walk, or the feeling of the ground under your feet, then you’re doing it right.
The mind is used to thinking.
It laments about the past, it dreams about the future.
It makes to-do lists, it worries, and it runs in circles.
And all of that is ok.
Through mindfulness practices, we start getting familiar with the present moment.
Then we start to like it. And this encourages us to keep practicing.
Mindfluent® Leadership centers around Mindfully Evolving.
We are all at various beginner stages and likely will be forever.
So, don’t get discouraged. Don’t just quit.
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