“I Will End School Violence…”
Shared by Breanne Smedley
“I will end school violence…”
I know what you are thinking. Because I’m thinking it myself!
How can you make such a claim?
That’s a bold statement!
That’s too complicated of an issue for you to take on.
I recently read:
“99% of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The competition is thus fiercest for realistic goals.”
So, you (and I) are right. Claiming that I’m capable of ending school violence, bullying, and victimization of students at school is bold, complicated, and seems impossible.
But I’m changing my mindset, and I don’t want to convince myself that the work I’m doing can’t achieve great things. Important things. Life-altering things.
Ok, but how?
Mindfluness. Emotional Intelligence. Service.
Developing and empowering Mindfluent™ leaders in our schools, who will ultimately influence their families, our communities, and our world.
Step One: It starts with me and my commitment to doing the personal, inner work.
Practicing mindfulness and building my skills to show up in a way that allows my students to feel connected to me, and connected to their peers.
Having awareness of my emotions and the skills to regulate them to enhance the culture of my classroom.
Demonstrating servant leadership through empathy, vulnerability, and compassion.
Step Two: Intentionally develop skills of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and service in our students.
There is a saying, “Hurt people hurt people.”
I believe the opposite must be true as well.
Joyful people spread joy.
Positive people create more positive people.
If students have awareness of their emotions, the skills to regulate them, and the understanding of how their disposition impacts those around them, they can’t help but be a positive influence.
Step Three: Change the culture, change the world
Leadership author King Duncan states,
“One life touches another and potentially both lives are changed. One life touches another and potentially the entire world is changed.”
Through the daily practice of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and service to others, lives are changed.
When one life is changed, it impacts another. This ripple effect has infinite reach.
This is the core of the Mindfluent™ Leadership movement. In our schools, our business, and our communities.
The possibilities are endless. Join us on our journey!
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