“I can’t…”


Share by Breanne Smedley

This week, I had a student in first period tell me “Mrs. Smedley, I can’t do a pushup.”

In second period, a different student exclaimed, “There’s no way I can do that” after I put the 5-minute workout on the board.

Third period… “I can’t do more than 11 laps on the pacer. I’ve never been good at running.”

My gut response to each of these students is to say “Yes you can, just TRY!”

One push up? Five minutes of working out? Run 200 meters? Yes, you CAN do those things. In fact, I’ve seen you do more.

It’s one of my greatest pet peeves. People saying they can’t do something when clearly they could if they only tried. It’s as if it’s a guard they put up, giving them a free pass at failure in case it happens.

“See Mrs. Smedley, I told you I couldn’t do it…”

I believe that we are far more capable than we think. We have the power to take ownership of our thoughts, and in turn, our results in life.

It made me think, though. From some of my student’s perspectives, it’s not as simple as that. In their minds, they’ve told themselves they aren’t physically capable of what is being asked of them. They limited their results before even trying, and it makes me sad wondering what other areas of their life are being limited by these thoughts.

It took someone else who has seen their past performance and potential to convince them that they could if only they tried.

I guess I don’t blame them, I’ve had similar thoughts.

“I can’t do well on workouts with thrusters, I’m too tall…”

“I can’t teach others about leadership and mindfulness, I don’t know enough…”

“I can’t tell stories, I have nothing meaningful to tell…”

I wonder though. When people hear me say these things, how many have the exact response that I do when my students tell me one of their limiting beliefs.
“Yes you can, just TRY!”

I’m excited to share that I am trying. Kristina Smedley and I are starting a new journey together; the journey of the Mindfluent Leader. We are committed to sharing our journey publicly, to engage and inspire through storytelling, and influence our community through ImpactClub.

And I’m working on my thrusters…

Because when it comes down to it, we get to choose what we can and can’t do. It starts in the mind, and we get to take ownership of the results. The key is taking the first step towards action.

I encourage you to explore what you are telling yourself you can’t do. How are you limiting yourself? How would it be different if you just tried?



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