“A dry kiss or a juicy kiss…”

 Shared by Kristina Smedley

Just a few years ago, I was so excited to start a new job and go on my first international business trip.

I could just imagine it…

Business-class flights with lay down seats and tasty meals.
Business suits and rolling suitcases.
Important meetings in fancy conference rooms with tasty little treats.
Exploring old, fantastic European cities.
Fascinating people with cool accents and intriguing life stories and traditions.

But, let’s be real. It’s more like…

Overnight flights with barely any sleep.
Suits and rolling suitcases because we’ll have to walk so far into the customer’s offices that we need a rolling suitcase.
Important meetings about all the problems… in aircraft hangers with no windows and a musty smell.
Flying into the airport. Staying at an airport hotel. Visiting our customers at the airport.

Many, many airports.

Still very cool, but certainly not exotic.

One thing I did have right though was the amazing people I would meet!

Over time I would build some great relationships, many of I still have today.
But none were as close as Mathis.
(Name changed to protect the innocent. Or is he guilty?)

Mathis was the purchasing manager and still is, I think.
He’s a shorter guy, probably 4 inches shorter than me. Blue eyes, light hair.
He’s a little quiet and introverted, and very kind.

And I was ready for this visit.
I knew all about the airline and was prepared with the issues they would likely bring up.
I knew the cultural norms and particularly that they loved giving gifts… so I brought wrapped chocolates and nice pens.

And boy did they love the chocolates.

And then it happened.

The Kristina-Mathis handshake went well. As expected.

But then there was a firm pull forward.
Thankfully towards a right cheek.

Ok, a quick, dry, right-cheek-kiss. I got this.

Nope, quickly that transitioned into a left-cheek-kiss.
Phew, I narrowly missed the lips but still playing it cool.

Note to self. This is a two-cheek-kiss country.

But wait there’s more… it’s a three-cheek-kiss country.
Dang it, I’m not ready for this… one juicy kiss lands right on the lips!

(ok, maybe ‘juicy’ is a product of the embarrassment)

But, where was this in my cultural norms research?!?

“I’m so sorry! Oh my gosh” – That’s me, not knowing how to respond.
“Uuummm… no problem. Ok, thank you.” – That’s Mathis, stuttering, not knowing what to say since he’s probably never kissed a Supplier at work before.

Red-faced and embarrassed, we go our separate ways.
Not knowing when we might kiss again.

Wait! Hopefully, never to kiss again. I firmly know now to be prepared for three-cheek-kisses.

Embarrassing at first, yes, but this ended up being a funny story shared between colleagues and a connecting story shared with my customer.

I later learned that the three-cheek-kiss is typically how they greet relatives and close friends.

What a compliment.

And certainly worth a little awkwardness to build connections and relationships…
the foundations of accomplishment.


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