“Breaking the rules…”


Shared by Breanne Smedley

Up until recently, I’d say I could be classified as a “rule follower.”

Following the directions, the signs, and what people told me to do.

Likely born out of my desire to be a “good” student, the rules are what kept me feeling like I was on the right path.

And plus, when you follow the rules, people don’t question you. They don’t look at you funny. They don’t ask you a million questions about why you’re doing something different.

Ever since Kristina and I started building a business, and ever since that first $1 came in, I’ve started to believe in the possibility of a life and a multidimensional career that is different from the norm.

Different from the rules that I had been following before.

Different from the classic “get a degree, find a job, pay off the student loans, live for the weekends and vacations, work your way up, retire, etc…”

But that hasn’t come without question. From myself and from a few others.

While most have been supportive, many are curious.

Which is great. The questions help me practice to articulate and strengthen my conviction and belief for what I’m doing.

What’s interesting to me are the ones who stay silent. Some people in my life that I am close with, who haven’t shown support, or interest in my new path.

I can make up stories all day long about why this is.

Not interested. Busy. Haven’t noticed.

And frankly, it doesn’t matter if I have the support of everyone in my life or not. (Just the handful that truly matter.)

But it has made me think, and wonder.

I do believe that anytime you do something different.

Create your own principles that are different than the norm.

Take a path that is unique.

People can get uncomfortable. See it as a threat to their own rules and norms that they live by.

As Seth Godin says, “The status quo is persistent and resistant.”

It exists because everyone wants it to.

It’s like a well-worn walking trail. Comfortable, predictable.

“Don’t go off the trail, you don’t know what’s out there!”

But Apple didn’t become “Apple” by Steve Jobs following the herd and playing by the rules.

He took a different path, and revolutionized the tech industry while others called him “crazy” and “risky” as he did it.

Consider Brene Brown. Her work has impacted me so deeply. My relationships, my leadership, and how I show up.

What if she would have conformed to the status quo and never talked about shame and vulnerability? The things that make us uncomfortable.

I’m sure it would have been easier.

My lesser self tries to convince me from time to time to just go back to doing something “normal.” It’d be easier.

You’d have more time. More money. You wouldn’t have to worry about deviating from the “rules.”

My heroic self knows that this would be settling.

That I need to keep fueling my passion.

Creating my own rules, not living by the rules of others.

That my path will look different from the norm.

And that’s the point.



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