“Not Today…”
Shared by Breanne Smedley
“Not today…”
There’s a voice that lives inside all of us.
It’s the part of us that limits our capabilities.
Stops our growth.
Or prevents us from even starting in the first place.
It’s the voice that sabotages our dreams.
Let us give in and give up when it gets hard.
The one that cares too much about the thoughts and opinions of people who don’t matter.
The Inner Critic. The Lesser Self.
I’m on a daily mission to defeat this voice.
First, to become aware of it.
Second, to speak truth to it.
Third, to take action to prove it wrong.
This week was no different.
I thought I was doing a good job defeating that voice this week.
I started a physical and mental challenge to develop grit alongside my fellow StoryAthletes, even though I know I’m tight on time.
I began the 100 burpee a day regimen (accidentally, but that’s another story…)
But then, I was challenged by a simple homework assignment in my Mindset Coach Certification program.
To publicly announce that I am a Mindset Coach, certified through Positive Performance™.
Immediately, my Inner Critic rushed in.
“You’re not ready to tell everyone that…”
“No one cares…”
“Who are you to claim that you’re a mindset coach…?”
“Wait until you have more clients and experience, then you can tell people…”
All things my Lesser Self likes to tell me to keep me safe.
Keep me comfortable.
Limit my impact.
Stop my growth before I even start.
Following my own guidelines to defeat this voice, I became immediately aware of what I was telling myself.
Now, to tell myself a different story.
I’ve been working for months in the background.
Not just gaining knowledge of positive psychology.
Not only learning the strategies and tools to help athletes, teams, and coaches overcome their limiting thoughts and increase performance.
But doing the work on myself, with my volleyball program, and with clients that have trusted me on their journey to take control of their mental training and increase performance.
And I’ve seen the transformation.
I’m more than ready.
I am equipped.
I have the skills.
But more importantly, I have the experience and passion to bring mental skills to athletes, coaches, and teams.
So, I’m proud to announce that Mindfluent Leadership will be expanding to offer what I wish I had as an athlete.
Mental training for athletes, coaches, and teams who desire to unlock their player and team potential through mental performance training.
And with that, I get to say:
That voice isn’t running the show today.
Because I’m tired of listening to the lies and excuses designed to keep me safe and hold me back.
Maybe you are, too.
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