“You’re crazy…”


Shared by Breanne Smedley

I enjoy working out and being productive in the morning.

It feels really good to get one of the items that ranks the highest on my priority list out of the way early, even if that means attending the 5am CrossFit, Orangetheory, Spin, Bootcamp, etc class.

Over the past 9 months, I’ve also developed a morning routine that reflects the type of person I want to become.

I value health, learning, and desire to be impactful in my role as a wife, mom, teacher, coach, and entrepreneur.

And I know that the habits associated with these goals and values don’t just form themselves.

In order to ensure these things don’t get lost in the chaos of the day, I choose to wake up at a “crazy” hour most days of the week.


Even on vacation, I found a way to make it to the 5am CrossFit class nearby.

“That’s crazy!” Some have said.

“It’s vacation, just let yourself sleep in.”

“You don’t even need to work out, you’re skinny already.” I’ve been told more than once.

I get it, and have been known to do it myself in the past. But I’m not that person anymore.

The one that would look at other people who were accomplishing great things and think “that’s crazy.”

Or worse yet, thinking they had some sort of special gift or talent that I lacked.

The get-out-of jail free card.

“It’s easy for her, she’s a morning person.”

“Yeah, I’d be able to lift that much weight if I had legs like that, too.”

Things that make us feel better about what we’re (not) doing.

While bringing down others with us.

It’s the classic metaphor of a crab trying to escape the bucket in which he’s trapped, but keeps being pulled back by the other crabs down below.

Each comment and attempt to thwart the forward progress.

“You’re crazy! 5am is too early!”

No, I’m not crazy.

I’m just not like you.




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